The course introduces the students with significant topics of Modern Greek History (especially the period from the 18th to the middle of the 20th century). Main objective of the course is to equip the students to think critically and identify the factors that have shaped the historical circumstances by means of gaining further historical knowledge and through critical conversation on the topics. By the end of the course, students are expected to have deeply understood the history of Hellenism in the course of the time between the Greek Enlightenment and the mid-20th century. They are, thus, able to draw comparisons between events of equivalent significance, such as domestic conflicts and the role of the Great Powers, by tracing and interpreting their causes. Through the study of historical evidence students will be able to comprehend not only the significance but also the subjectivity of the evidence - an obstacle in the pursuit of the historical truth that can be overcome through its critical examination. In the end, students are expected to have been made into conscious citizens as they have practiced a critical, objective and spherical way of thinking about the events that shaped the Modern Greek everyday life.